Provo Fashion Week VIP Event

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This past weekend I was honored (so completely honored!) to attend the Provo Fashion Week VIP event held on Friday night. I rushed (with my grandma-esque driving skills– no more speeding tickets here) to Provo after classes on Friday just in time to see the pop-up shops there including M1M1k that sells great graphic shirts. I won’t lie… this was my first blogger/fashion event and I was a bit nervous! I was waiting in the hall for Jessi from Haircut and General Attitude to join me, when I saw two girls I knew I recognized from following their blogs and Instagram. It took me about 5 minutes of shuffling around and taking nervous glances at the two girls before I finally got up the guts to barge in. Turns out my creeping skills had been right– they were two girls I had recognized (shamelessly) correctly. I introduced myself to Bridgette from Bridgette Nicole  and Jalynn from The Red Closet Diary, and the rest was history. We were a match made in heaven, with Bridgette being a school teacher, Jalynn understanding my #tallgirlproblems, Jessi being a welcoming friend, and Alycia Crowley who makes me giggle so hard.
Guys (or girls?), this is why blogging is all worth it. It isn’t just for the cool clothes, or maybe the fun events, but for great times with genuine friendships. I have my teacher girlfriends that understand my academic side (shout out to my SpEd girls!) and now I have my blogging girlfriends that won’t get annoyed when I talk about my favorite clothing too much. Going into that night I told myself that I would not get my hopes up. I knew there was a possibility that I would meet a ton of Utah bloggers, but I also knew I had the potential to be an outcast. The night could not have gone better, I came, I met, and these fellow bloggers helped me counquer because they were so genuine. I finally realized that I should stop apologizing for recognizing someone from their blog online and sounding like a creep when one of them said, “Don’t worry, we all went through this too! It’s how it is around here, you know someone’s entire life from online, and then one day you meet them in person and it is instant friendship.” I can’t wait to see what other fun times I will gain out of these friendships.
Okay, okay, so for the ACTUAl show, it was pretty amazing. I can’t believe all the hard work that these designers put into the show! For those of you that are unaware, Provo Fashion Week is a weekend where local designers can have the chance to show off their lines. There was formal wear, costumes, bridal gowns, and even mens wear that went down the catwalk that night. The most memorable “model walk” of the night? When a model walked on pointe ballet shoes down the entire catwalk. Walked, just like she was in tall high heels. #amazed. The most memorable lines for me were Bree Wilkins‘ uptown party wear and Chantel Lauren’s bridal gowns. I just cannot believe the talent that is right here in Utah!
(so sad that this picture turned out blurry, since it had EVERYONE in it)

The next VIP event I am attending it this Thursday night to preview the Friday and Saturday fashion and cosmetic event at Nordstrom City Creek. I hear there are going to be fabulous prizes at both showings, and there is a night show and an early show– so no need to miss! I can’t wait to tell you all the juicy details I find out on Thursday. The invitation is below for more info!

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